Variables: VERBOSE=0-5 or on/off. The thinking here is that different levels of verbosity could be specified for procmail logs. 1 would provide minimal logging, while 5 would be everything (as is now). If the value is on/off, it defaults to 5/0. VERSION *DONE* cl Variable to find version number RCDEPTH Variable to find current level of RCFILE EXITRC Exit the current rcfile and continue with the previous one MSGSIZE Size of the current message in bytes Regular expressions: Support for \n, \t, and \s. {n, m} support backreferences to paranthesized subexpressions (eliminate $MATCH) Features: Restricted access to binaries (smrsh-equivalent) *DONE* cl Don't do the comsat thing when delivering to a command Have a 'procmail -V' or something -- display all defaults for a given binary (since they're changeable in config.h anyhow) Y2K certification Make LINEBUF a readable variable (why have the exception?) Allow \ for continuation of newlines Allow $1 to be accessed directly Add storage to disk option instead of loading large messages into memory Bug fixing: Fix MATCH bug *DONE* pg Fix LINEBUF overflow problems *DONE* pg Fix RESTRICT_EXEC (basically add a ';') *DONE* cl Memory allocation in BSD-stye OSs