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 * SPIN.c - app variables and draw functions

#include "INCLUDES.h"

static float alphaname[4] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};									

static int spinA=41; 
static int eye = 0;
static int spinROT1 = 0;
static int spinROT2 = 0;
static int spinROT3 = 0;
static int spinGROW1 = 3;
static int spinGROW2 = 5;
static int spinGROW3 = 7;
static float spinB=1;
static float spinCNT=1;


void spin_cubes(int, int, int, int, int, int);

 * DRAW functions

void draw_SPIN()
	cpack(0xff000030); clear(); zclear();		
	translate(0.0, 0.75, 0.0);

	texbind(TX_TEXTURE_0, img_list[spinA]);	
	blendfunction(BF_SA, BF_MSA);
		spin_cubes(spinROT1, spinROT2, spinROT3,
			   spinGROW1, spinGROW2, spinGROW3);
	blendfunction(BF_ONE, BF_ZERO);	
	texbind(TX_TEXTURE_0, 0);

		spinB = spinB + .999;									
		if (spinB < 1 && spinB > 0) spinA = 41;
			else if (spinB < 2 && spinB > 1) spinA = 42;
			else if (spinB < 3 && spinB > 2) spinA = 43;
			else if (spinB < 4 && spinB > 3) spinA = 44;
			else if (spinB < 5 && spinB > 4) spinA = 45;
			else if (spinB < 6 && spinB > 5) spinA = 46;
			else if (spinB < 7 && spinB > 6) spinA = 47;
			else if (spinB < 8 && spinB > 7) spinA = 48;
			else if (spinB < 9 && spinB > 8) spinA = 49;
			else if (spinB < 10 && spinB > 9) spinA = 50;
			else if (spinB < 11 && spinB > 10) spinA = 51;
			else if (spinB < 12 && spinB > 11) spinA = 52;
			else if (spinB < 13 && spinB > 12) spinA = 53;
			else if (spinB < 14 && spinB > 13) spinA = 54;
			else if (spinB < 15 && spinB > 14) spinA = 55;
			else if (spinB >= 15)
				spinA = 40;
				spinB = 0;
		spinCNT = spinCNT + .999;	
		if (spinCNT < 1 && spinCNT > 0) alphaname[3] = 0.1;							
			else if (spinCNT < 2 && spinCNT > 1) alphaname[3] = 0.2;
			else if (spinCNT < 3 && spinCNT > 2) alphaname[3] = 0.3;
			else if (spinCNT < 4 && spinCNT > 3) alphaname[3] = 0.4;
			else if (spinCNT < 5 && spinCNT > 4) alphaname[3] = 0.5;
			else if (spinCNT < 6 && spinCNT > 5) alphaname[3] = 0.6;
			else if (spinCNT < 7 && spinCNT > 6) alphaname[3] = 0.7;
			else if (spinCNT < 8 && spinCNT > 7) alphaname[3] = 0.8;
			else if (spinCNT < 9 && spinCNT > 8) alphaname[3] = 0.9;
			else if (spinCNT < 10 && spinCNT > 9) alphaname[3] = 0.8;
			else if (spinCNT < 11 && spinCNT > 10) alphaname[3] = 0.7;
			else if (spinCNT < 12 && spinCNT > 11) alphaname[3] = 0.6;
			else if (spinCNT < 13 && spinCNT > 12) alphaname[3] = 0.5;
			else if (spinCNT < 14 && spinCNT > 13) alphaname[3] = 0.4;
			else if (spinCNT < 15 && spinCNT > 14) alphaname[3] = 0.3;
			else if (spinCNT < 16 && spinCNT > 15) alphaname[3] = 0.2;
			else if (spinCNT >= 16)
				alphaname[3] = 0.1;
				spinCNT = 0;
	spinROT1 = spinROT1 + 4;
	if (spinROT1 >3500) spinROT1 = 0;
	spinROT2 = spinROT2 + 14;
	if (spinROT2 >3500) spinROT2 = 0;
	spinROT3 = spinROT3 + 7;
	if (spinROT3 >3500) spinROT3 = 0;
	spinGROW1 = spinGROW1 + .1;
	if (spinGROW1 == 10) spinGROW1 = 3;
	spinGROW2 = spinGROW2 + .1;
	if (spinGROW2 == 10) spinGROW2 = 3;
	spinGROW3 = spinGROW3 + .1;
	if (spinGROW3 == 10) spinGROW3 = 3;


void spin_cubes(int spinROT1, int spinROT2, int spinROT3,
		int spinGROW1, int spinGROW2, int spinGROW3)
	translate(0.0, 1.0, -5.0);
		translate(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
		rotate(spinROT1, 'x');
		scale(spinGROW1, spinGROW1, spinGROW1);
		translate(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		rotate(spinROT2, 'y');
		scale(spinGROW2, spinGROW2, spinGROW2);
		translate(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
		rotate(spinROT3, 'z');
		scale(spinGROW3, spinGROW3, spinGROW3);
